Kathryn Byrne

Kath 2024

Engaged by the School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education at Queensland University of Technology, Kathryn joins the ORICL research project team as a research assistant after thirty years committed to supporting educators across various regional and remote kindergartens, primary schools, school age care services, family day care services and universities. As an ACECQA approved qualified early childhood teacher, she holds a Master of Human Services (Childhood Studies) and a Master of Learning Management. Kathryn continues to support early childhood research projects, the coordination of early childhood undergraduate and postgraduate tertiary units of study and collaborated with the Central Queensland University School of Education and the Arts writing team, in the implementation of their new Master of Teaching Early Childhood course. As a university academic, responsible for the research, development and implementation of pre-service units, her aim has been to encourage early childhood pre-service teachers to consider the ethical and social justice implications of their work within educational settings.

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